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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Photoshop TutorialScrapbooking With Photoshop CS3

Photoshop TutorialScrapbooking With
Adobe Photoshop is a registered trademark
of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. I am in no way affiliated with Adobe. Hi, I'm Steve Anthony.
I'm a photographer and a digital retouching artist here in New York City. In this clip,
we're going to talk about scrapbooking with Photoshop CS3.

Now, there's so much that you
can do with Photoshop. What I'm going to do is just open up some some images that we can
work with. Here's a, here's a background texture that's kind of interesting. We're just going
to create a page for a scrapbook, and let's start with the background.

This happens to
be just something I downloaded. And then, maybe I want to have a nice picture of, how
about a picture of my sweetheart and myself? Now, what I'd like to do is take the rectangular
marquee tool and just grab a small portion of that picture just by going, creating the
marquee and then going edit, copy, and then go ahead and close that image, and paste it,
edit, paste right into our background picture. I might want to give that a little bit of
a, oh a little bit of, a little bit of shape, so I'm going to go ahead and rotate it by
using the transform/ rotate tool and place it a little bit off center maybe. That might
be interesting.

Hit enter to save those changes, and let's let's give it a little bit of a
drop shadow why don't we, so go into layer, layer styles, drop shadow, and if you slide
that window over you can get a preview of what it's going to look like. You can change
the angle of the light and the distance of the shadow from the picture. That looks kind
of interesting so let's go with that. And maybe we want to have some text in there,
so we select our text tool and just enter some text.

And as you can see, that text is very small;
can't really see it, so we're going to open up our character dialog box. I'm going to
change it from 12 points to let's say 72 points. That certainly does the trick as far as size
And another trick you can do for doing some scrapbooking is to take your brush tool and
select a fun brush shape, like for example leaves. You can also download any number of
of different brushes that will give you all sorts of special effects.

I had to make sure
that I was in the right layer.
Now as you can see, this is, this is just real quick and silly, and now this I can either
print out on my printer at home, or I can take it to a a local print house and have
them print it out, and paste that right into a my photo book, my scrapbook, or I can create
a digital scrapbook just by building pages like this. I hope this is useful to you. I'm
sure you'll find much more creative ways of scrapbooking, but this is a basic way of how
to use some of Photoshop's tools to get that done. This is Steve Anthony, and this has
been how to scrapbook with Photoshop CS3..

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