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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Scrapbook Album DIY #1Cover & 1. SeiteCover & First Page [eng sub]

Scrapbook Album DIY #1Cover & 1. SeiteCover & First Page [eng sub]
For the cover I already cut out chipboard which is 2mm thick. The spaces between the individual parts have to be about 2mm wide. The album will have 5 pages measuring 15x18cm. And the back and front page of the cover measure 19x17cm, the book spine measures 3x17cm.

And the other spine has to be 1 cm wider: 4x17cm. And on the right side we have the piece that closes the album and it measures 5cm on the narrowest part and 7cm on the widest part. Now, we are going to cut the paper, which lays underneath the chipboard. We are going to glue the chipboard onto this paper and the paper has to be 3cm bigger at the edges.

We are going to need a strong adhesive and glue the chipboard onto the paper. But before that, we are going to cut the paper in a way that makes it easier to glue the paper onto the chipboard. Now, we are going to glue the paper onto the chipboard. Then we are going to bend the cover carefully.

Next, we are going to attach the binding onto the book cover. I already made a video on how to do this binding - you can click here. So now, Im going to apply glue onto the binding. Now, Im going to put something heavy on it until the glue is dry.

Now, the cover is finished. We proceed with the first page. I cut out a paper that measures 30x18cm on the right side and 30x18,8cm on the left side. This flap on the top right mesures 8mm.

Im going to cut off the edges. We are going to use this flap to glue the page together. So we fold the paper up. After folding the flap Im going to attach tape to it.

The paper is open on the left side, because this is the place, where the page is going to be attached onto the binding of the book. And it is open on the top, where we can insert a tag. The tape is attached and now we can glue the page together. The base of the first page is finished.

On the left side the page is going to be attached onto the binding. And on top we have a pocket. Now, we are going to add more flaps to our page. One measures 15x17cm and the other measures 15x15cm.

And we score both at 8mm. This ist the part, where the flap is going to be glued to our page. First, Im going to bend the paper. The flap with the measurements 15x17cm is going to be glued evenly on the left.

Now, we take the smaller flap and glue it onto the flap, that I just glued down. But we leave a distance of 1cm from the egde. Now, it looks like this. Im going to round the corners.

Then, I cut out 2 stripes of paper with the following measurements: 6x14cm and 6x9cm And I made a score line at 8mm. We are going to glue the shorter stripe evenly on the right side. And the longer stripe is going to be attached evenly on the left side of the smaller flap. I already marked the middle of the paper.

Now, Im going to glue it onto the page. Im going to round the edges again. Next, we are going to attach magnets onto the strips. I use instant ahesive.

The front of the first page is finished. For the back of the page we are going to need paper with the following measurements: 15x17cm, 11x13cm, 13x13cm, 15x13cm And we score the papers at 8mm. When the flap (15x17cm) is glued evenly at the right side of the page, we are going to take the paper with the measurements 15x13cm. I already marked the middle of both flaps.

And then we are going to glue it evenly at the bottom of the flap, that we just glued down. Then we take the paper with the measurements 13x13cm. We are going to glue the flap onto the 15x13cm flap, but we leave a distance of 1cm from the edge. We do the same with the 11x13cm flap: We glue it down, leaving a 1cm gap.

Now, it looks like this. Next, we are going to use a template and cut off the edges of the flaps. Im going to round the corners again. And then we are going to attach magnets.

Now, we are going to make a tag. It measures 16x16cm. I made a score line at 1cm. And I drew a half circle at the middle.

Now, Im going to cut that out. On this half circle you can pull out the tag. I already cut out design paper, colored the edges and put tape at the back of the paper. So now we can glue it on our page.

Now, the first page is finished..

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Photoshop TutorialScrapbooking With Photoshop CS3

Photoshop TutorialScrapbooking With
Adobe Photoshop is a registered trademark
of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. I am in no way affiliated with Adobe. Hi, I'm Steve Anthony.
I'm a photographer and a digital retouching artist here in New York City. In this clip,
we're going to talk about scrapbooking with Photoshop CS3.

Now, there's so much that you
can do with Photoshop. What I'm going to do is just open up some some images that we can
work with. Here's a, here's a background texture that's kind of interesting. We're just going
to create a page for a scrapbook, and let's start with the background.

This happens to
be just something I downloaded. And then, maybe I want to have a nice picture of, how
about a picture of my sweetheart and myself? Now, what I'd like to do is take the rectangular
marquee tool and just grab a small portion of that picture just by going, creating the
marquee and then going edit, copy, and then go ahead and close that image, and paste it,
edit, paste right into our background picture. I might want to give that a little bit of
a, oh a little bit of, a little bit of shape, so I'm going to go ahead and rotate it by
using the transform/ rotate tool and place it a little bit off center maybe. That might
be interesting.

Hit enter to save those changes, and let's let's give it a little bit of a
drop shadow why don't we, so go into layer, layer styles, drop shadow, and if you slide
that window over you can get a preview of what it's going to look like. You can change
the angle of the light and the distance of the shadow from the picture. That looks kind
of interesting so let's go with that. And maybe we want to have some text in there,
so we select our text tool and just enter some text.

And as you can see, that text is very small;
can't really see it, so we're going to open up our character dialog box. I'm going to
change it from 12 points to let's say 72 points. That certainly does the trick as far as size
And another trick you can do for doing some scrapbooking is to take your brush tool and
select a fun brush shape, like for example leaves. You can also download any number of
of different brushes that will give you all sorts of special effects.

I had to make sure
that I was in the right layer.
Now as you can see, this is, this is just real quick and silly, and now this I can either
print out on my printer at home, or I can take it to a a local print house and have
them print it out, and paste that right into a my photo book, my scrapbook, or I can create
a digital scrapbook just by building pages like this. I hope this is useful to you. I'm
sure you'll find much more creative ways of scrapbooking, but this is a basic way of how
to use some of Photoshop's tools to get that done. This is Steve Anthony, and this has
been how to scrapbook with Photoshop CS3..

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Part 3 Organizing Scrapbook Supplies and Photos

Part 3 Organizing Scrapbook Supplies and Photos
Okay so, we're showing up today with tons of excitement about what happened yesterday, and just being able to really assess your situation. So I'm going to start with your kids. So we talked about how your kids love to scrapbook, and I was thinking about the size, and it might be really fun if they have these mini albums. They're fun, huh? The pages are already stitched in, so there's not even fumbling
with pages in and out of rings or anything like that, they're just stitched in.

right here is a value kit. The value kit has way less cards, so it's just a collection,
and so when you don't feel like you want to do an entire full 12x12 album with that one
topic, you go for a value kit, because it's just a sampling. So I thought Landon would
like this one - it's called "Boys Rule." You talked about that preparation of really wanting
to get the pregnancy, document the story of getting him here, and then he's here, and
so the way that I love to document a baby's entry to life is with this. This is the Baby
Boy Edition of Project Life.

You can see a lot of the cards right here, and this is different
than just cute cards. This actually gives you a lot of prompts to give you ideas on
specifically what to document as you lead up to baby's arrival, and then after they're
here, and so I'm going to show you how to put all this together. Does that sound good?
Yes! Okay awesome. I'm going to show you my son's album.

I'm showing this to you because
I think it's going to help drive something home for you in terms of being able to see
what it looks like complete. This is where I have heritage. So I'm including us and my
parents and my husband's parents, and our grandparents, and what I'm going to do is
do a little bit of journaling to say "this is who they are." Then it goes into the story
of us, meaning Mom and Dad. For this concept when you get to that layout it really can
just be random pictures of you and David over the years that are just togetherness, right?
And there's different prompts to have you write about random things about you guys,
your favorite things, stuff like that.

When I get into the core of this scrapbook this
is where I go into my months, and so in this one album the theory is this is Crew's one-year
album. So his whole first year, his history, his family, where he came from, his birth,
and then that whole first year is in this one album. And I put parameters around the
process so that I know I'm only doing a layout or two per month, and the reason why I need
those parameters is because as a mom I think every single picture of my child is cute,
right? So then that prevents me from doing a ton of duplicates, and it prevents me from
doing fifteen layouts about that one day at the park. The whole point here is that we
want to tell a story, and the way that we've organized and created the product is so that
it helps you to tell the story, and then make it easy so when it comes to slipping those
photos in, that's literally what you're doing.

You're slipping photos in, you're grabbing
that pen and you're going to write a little bit of journaling, and that's it. I like it.
I like how organized and structured it is. Knowing that Project Life can be a way that
you move forward in not just the new baby book, but also the way that you complete the
albums that you still haven't finished, do you feel like you are good in keeping all
of your supplies? Some I can, like eliminate, but I feel like that would be the pile that
I have for the kids that I don't care about, vs. Going out to get more when I want to be

I think that we sort and organize according to type. So, like you did your stamps,
all of your stamps are in a drawer, so it makes the most sense that we have all of your
embellishments in a drawer, all of your paper pads in a drawer, and so forth. And I also
think, hearing you yesterday and then talking with you again about this today that it makes
the most sense that your kids have a dedicated drawer. We'll pick which one that makes the
most sense after we sort, so that they have a drawer that's theirs.

Alright lets dive
in. We're going to make piles by category, and then we're going to put everything back
in an organized fashion. We picked this up from Ikea for you, and it is like our favorite
organizing bin right now, but this is going to be for the kids stuff, and the point of
that would be that we put the kids stuff in here and it has the lid, then since you mentioned
that the kids like to do crafting sometimes downstairs, then it makes this more portable
to be able to take up and down as you want. Thank you! Yeah, I'm feeling super good because
now we've gotten all our piles, and we have pretty much a plan to put each of those piles
back into a drawer.

Then this right here, you've determined is the stuff that you feel
comfortable giving away, so this is our giveaway pile. Final piece of organization is to label.
When you label your drawers you know exactly where things are - you don't have to guess
even though you can see through a little bit, you don't have to wonder "is that really where
my embellishments go, is that really where my paper pads go?" And so we'll label everything,
and then we're done with organizing. So yesterday we found out that all of the physical photos,
or the physical prints of photographs that you have are in this box, which to me is amazing
that they are just fitting in one box, so how not overwhelming, right? Because we can
manage that. One thing to kind of point out already that I'm noticing is that they all
look like, for the most part, 99% of them are 4x6, which is "bingo," perfect, because
with Project Life everything is pretty much 4x6 and 3x4, so these are literally ready
to just slip into the page protectors, which is...

I mean you've done half the work right
here. So my advice would be to use a post it note and a pen, and what you're going to
do is basically separate into categories of subject or of scrapbook. That probably is
the most logical thing to do, is separate and create piles based on the subject matter
for the album it's going to go in, and we'll use the post it note and spread out on the
table and just sort accordingly. Does that sound okay? Yeah.

Okay. You are going to take
all of your pictures, because they fit in here, and you'll sort them and keep them in
an organized fashion. So we picked up these tabs that will give you the ability to just
label each of those sections. When you go to scrapbook, you're not shuffling through
the whole box, you'll go right to your section, you know that you're going straight to Landon's
section or right to Nick's section or right to baby #3, does that make sense? Okay, perfect.
Yesterday we talked and talked and talked, and that for me was really beneficial in helping
understand where you're coming from, what your situation is, what your goals are, so
we did that full assessment and really figured out a lot of what you're hoping to get out
of this experience, and also where you've been.

We also talked about your big picture
goals, because once we understood more of what you're aiming for and what you're hoping
out of your scrapbooking experience and what you ultimately want to have, beginning with
the end in mind, that how we were able to really make more of a clear game plan on how
to move forward. We also talked about who these scrapbooks are for, and that's really
interesting, because it's so different for everybody, and a lot of people make scrapbooking
very personal and just for them, and a lot of people make them as gifts. For you it really
was about for your family - other people can enjoy it, but really you're thinking long-term,
"my children are going to inherit these books. My grandchildren and great grandchildren,
who knows how many generations to come, will see these books." So that storytelling element
was really important to you, which then kind of brought us to talking about journaling
and how important that is and something that you want to incorporate more, so hopefully
you felt some good takeaways from how to get the words in there with the pictures.

Yeah, I'm excited about that for you. What was really fun was to be able to say "hey,
Jaime, let's get all of your scrapbooks, hey Jaime how many scrapbooks do you think you
have?" What did you say? Like 4 or 5. About 4 or 5. And how many did you have? 22.

that's really fun of course, because we got to see the reality of how amazing you have
been at documenting. You have got to give yourself more credit. So you actually have
done a lot more than you anticipated, but the other big takeaway that happened with
that is that you were like "holy cow, I have 22 albums which means I don't really need
to create more albums right now. I need to finish the ones that aren't done," and that
was a huge "aha" moment for me.

I don't know about you, but that was a big deal. It was.
And that was a really cool understanding about the whole process. We were able to talk about
moving forward, and creating a game plan about which albums you really do want to do, which
comes back to completing the ones that you started. We talked about organizing your space,
and more importantly, we actually went up there and did it, so we got all of your scrapbooking
supplies sorted, and you were able to get rid of some things and declutter a little
bit, sort out what's for the kids, what's for you, and that's really helpful.

Now you
know exactly where to go for certain supplies, and it's all labeled and all set to go. The
first priority, according to you, not me, is going to be this baby album. Do you feel
like you can get it done over the weekend before he comes? Just come by Tuesday, I'll
show you. Oh my word! I'm feeling so excited about what's happened here at Jaime's house.
She was really ready for this.

She loves scrapbooking already, but she just needed a new approach,
and a method that made more sense for her. She's a busy mom to now almost 3 children.
She's a military wife. But now after Jaime's new desire to breathe new life into her scrapbooking
this is her time, she's ready to go..